Sunday, December 13, 2015

Watch HDHomeRun Live TV on ChromeOS, Chromebook, Chromebox

I have an HDHomeRun Extend. I usually watch it using the Android TV Live Channels app on my Nvidia Shield Android TV. In my office/home gym, I have an Asus Chromebox connected to a ViewSonic 27" display and a big Logitech sound system. I'd like to watch live TV there as well. However, when I looked online for how to do this, all I found was several posts about how you can't watch UDP/RTP streams in ChromeOS. That may be true of ChromeOS, but not of Android apps running via Arc Welder in ChromeOS.

Step 1: Install VLC for Android on ChromeOS.

  1. Install Arc Welder from the Chrome Store.
  2. Download the latest VLC for Android APK for your particular processor. My Asus Chromebox has an Intel Celeron processor, so I chose the x86 version.
  3. Load the apk into Arc Welder. Click "test."
  4. If you like the results, then you can go into your extensions in Chrome, enable developer mode, load unpacked extension, and select the apk that Arc Welder created.

Step 2: Configure VLC on ChromeOS.

For me, VLC's hardware acceleration worked for Mpeg2, but not for h.264. Live TV (ATSC) broadcasts are Mpeg2. Therefore, I discovered that using HDHomeRun's "native" mode worked much better over any of the transcode configurations. My guess is that hardware acceleration will vary depending on the device and processor type. Find your HDHomeRun's IP address on your local network. You can usually find this by poking around in your router's admin pages. 

HDHomeRun follows a predictable syntax for local streams.
http://<device ip>:5004/auto/v<channel number>
When I want to watch local ABC affiliate KCRG 9.1 in native mode, I type the following:
The following gives me the h.264 version:
Open a stream in VLC and type the stream location for the channel you want to watch.

How did it work for you? Did you get h.264 hardware acceleration working? What versions did you use? Post your comments below.

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